Wicked Eyes (Strabismus): Everything You Should Know About It

You probably already know that strabismus is a failure of both eyes to align properly and work together without any additional problem.

In case you have strabismus, it creates that awkward moment in which one eye looks at the object that you’re watching, while the other one is misaligned downward, upward, outward and inward.

Have in mind that this particular eye condition could be intermittent or constant, and misalignment can cause the effect of the same eye, while both eyes can be misaligned as well. That creates a double vision.

If you wish to prevent this particular problem as well as early childhood issues, the brain creates visual input from the misaligned eye, which creates lazy eye syndrome or amblyopia.

Therefore, if you notice anything similar that is happening to someone from your family, the first thing you should do is to go to eye exam near me so that you can finish everything based on your preferences.

According to statistics, four percent of the population has this particular problem or some other type that could be controlled.

Signs and Symptoms

The first thing that you will notice when it comes to this particular eye condition is a misalignment of the eyes in which one is turning in a different direction from the one that is looking in front, which creates an oblique angle.

In case that misalignment is obvious and large, we can call this particular type large-angle strabismus, because it describes the angle of deviation that happens from the straight eye and that goes towards misaligned one.

On the other hand, the small turns are called small-angle strabismus and they are less obvious, but you still have to treat it.

Have in mind that large-angle strabismus is not causing symptoms such as headaches and eyestrains, because the brain is not trying to straighten the eyes because the line is too large.

At the same time, it causes amblyopia in the turned eye in case you neglect treatment. Have in mind that when it comes to small-angle strabismus, it is much more likely that it will cause visual symptoms since it is constantly alternating and repairing itself.

Apart from the idea that you will have eyestrains and headaches, the problems may include the fatigue and inability to read properly and having jittery visions in combination with double vision.

If you feel it constantly, that could also lead to amblyopia in the eye that loses muscles. Both types that we have mentioned here can affect your confidence as well as psychologically damage your lifestyle.

It will also interfere with normal contact with others and cause awkward moments and embarrassment. For instance, newborns tend to have crossed eyes from the very beginning, because their vision and eye muscles are still developing and not that strong to align everything.

However, this tends to disappear when the newborn grows and as the visual system starts to mature. In addition, you can find some types of strabismus that will not go away as you grow, which is the one we are talking about in here.

Routine children eye exams are crucial and the best way to detect the problem in the early stages so that you can do something about it.

Why Does It Happen?

Every single eye features external muscles that are controlling eye movement and position. For normal vision, the neurological control, as well as the position and functioning of both muscles, are completely coordinated.

However, when there are anatomical or neurological issues that are interfering with the function and control of muscles that is when strabismus happens. The problem starts within the muscles as well as in vision centers and nerves that are in the brain.

By checking here, you will learn more on this particular condition and how to treat it efficiently without surgical intervention.


The most effective treatment for this particular problem is surgery, and you should find an ophthalmologist who specializes in this type of surgery.

The success depends on numerous factors such as magnitude and direction of the eye turn, but it is effective for long-standing issues, which is why most people both children and adults are choosing it as the best procedure possible.

If you have a significant degree of amblyopia, you may need a few procedures, but in the long run, you will improve muscle function so that you can manually help yourself.

Kenneth Bennett

Atticus Bennett: Atticus, a sports nutritionist, provides dietary advice for athletes, tips for muscle recovery, and nutrition plans to support peak performance.