With aging, exposure to ultraviolet rays, the force of gravity and expression wrinkles causes the skin of the eyelids to lose their elasticity. This decreases the tonicity of the skin, and the fatty pockets are evident in both the upper and lower eyelids. For this same reason, it is found that there is excess skin in the upper eyelid since all the tissues have descended as in the lower eyelid, the bag descends fat from the malar region (cheekbones).
Blepharoplasty does not stop aging or the appearance of new wrinkles. However, it improves the signs of aging given by the protrusion of fat bags and the decrease of tissues.
For Double eyelid surgery (ทำตา2ชั้น which is the term in Thai), the excess skin is removed, and the scar is made in the fold that forms when the eye is opened. In this way, the scar will only be visible when your eyes are closed. In the lower eyelid is performed
It can be done along with other facial rejuvenation procedures (Ritidoplasty, Resurfacing, Eyebrow lift, etc.) Before deciding to perform this surgery, think carefully about the expectations you have, and discuss them with your plastic surgeon.
Before Surgery
Tell your plastic surgeon about medical conditions such as thyroid, cardiovascular, circulatory problems, diabetes, high blood pressure, eye diseases. Your Plastic Surgeon will evaluate your health status, important medical history, and assess your eyelids by determining which option is best for you. Discuss all the expectations you have with your surgeon; he will guide you about the best option, alternatives, limitations, risks, and care you should have.
If you smoke, take medications such as aspirin, anti-inflammatories, vitamin E, corticosteroids, or have spontaneous or prolonged bleeding, tell your plastic surgeon, it is important to avoid complications in surgery.
After Surgery
Once the surgery is over, you will find drainage tubes and a compression bandage around your head; these are to prevent the formation of bruises (blood collections) and will be removed the day after surgery. If you performed eyelid surgery, the stitches will be removed by the 3rd-5th day. The rest of the points will be removed between the 8th and 14th days after surgery. The postoperative pain of this surgery is minimal.
Strictly take the medications formulated by your surgeon, analgesic, and antibiotic (to avoid infection). The next day you can get up and wander, you can shower and wash your hair. Avoid lying down, and when you are, have the headrest raised at approximately 30 ° to favor drainage of the swelling. The first week may have purple on their faces, they will turn yellow, and by two weeks, they will have disappeared in good part (patients return to their daily work between the 10th and 15th days.)