Debunking Common Skin Myths

8 Common Skin Care Myths, Debunked | Dermstore Blog

There is no doubt that our skin is one of the most important parts of our body. Having healthy and clear skin is not something everyone can achieve. Others are blessed to have clear youthful skin. While some people spend thousands of dollars to have good skin. Healthy skin is an investment.   But what if you were investing in a bunch of lies? Today we’ll be debunking some of the most common skin myths and the real ways you should be taking care of your skin. Ask the nearest dermatologist, they’ll know.      

  1. You should only wear sunscreen on sunny days

  You don’t only wear sunscreen during sunny days. You’re supposed to wear it every day. That means even on cloudy or rainy days. The ultraviolet rays (UV rays) that come from the sun are the main cause of skin diseases; Including skin cancer. Just because you aren’t directly underneath the sun, doesn’t mean you aren’t still affected by UV rays. UV rays can penetrate through clouds and cause the same damage as it would on a normal sunny day. Make sure to always wear sunscreen with at least 15 or 30 SPF. Don’t forget to re-apply every 2-3 hours. People think that sunscreen (even those labeled as ‘once-a-day’) shouldn’t be reapplied. Well, it should be.      

  1. Peel-off masks are good for your skin

  Have you seen those videos of people trying that charcoal peel-off mask? The ones that are so painful to peel-off? Peel-off masks are extremely popular because they’re fun to use. We’re told that it removes dead skin cells and blackheads. Which is partially true. What you don’t know is that it can also cause your skin to lose elasticity and sag over time. It’s fun to use every once in a while, but frequent use of face masks can do more harm than good.      

  1. Acne only happens during puberty

  Acne is every person’s worst enemy. It’s true, it usually does occur during puberty, mainly because hormones play a big role when it comes to acne. But it can also occur at any age and stage of your life. Women who are on their period usually get acne because of their hormones. Although, it affects both men and women. In fact, it affects over 50 million Americans and can persist up until your 40s. It is actually the number one most common skin condition there is.      

  1. Exfoliation should be done every day

  Yes, you should exfoliate. But you shouldn’t do it every single day. When it comes to exfoliating, there is such a thing as ‘too much’. If you read the back of most exfoliating products, you’ll see that the recommended use is at most once or twice a week only. Exfoliating every single day can cause irritation, dryness, and broken blood vessels. Read the product instructions and follow them. It’s there for a reason.      

  1. What another person uses will work for your skin

  Every person has their own skin type. What works for one might not work for another. Just because a celebrity or an influencer endorses a certain product, doesn’t mean it’ll work for you. Remember they’re getting paid to endorse these products. They might say it’s good, but it might not be good for you personally.      

  1. It’s expensive so it must work

  It really depends. Some expensive products really work miraculously, while others don’t. As previously mentioned, what works for one, might not work for others. Some people can get by fine without using expensive skincare. While others might really need to invest some money into getting clear skin.   Now that these skincare myths have been debunked you can now continue with your skincare routine responsibly.

Remember to take note of what you just learned in this guide. If you really want to take care of your skin, don’t be fooled by other people’s lies.

Meta Title: What’s Really Going on With Your Skin? Myths Debunked

Meta Description: When it comes to skin and skincare there are plenty of myths. Read on to find out what’s really happening to your skin or how to take care of it the right way.



Kenneth Bennett

Atticus Bennett: Atticus, a sports nutritionist, provides dietary advice for athletes, tips for muscle recovery, and nutrition plans to support peak performance.