The sexually Transmitted disease: Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease which is transmitted by a bacteria called NeisseriaGonorrheathat can infect both – males and females. The body parts most affected by this infection are throat and rectum orurethra. In females, it can also infect …

Top Health Benefits of CBD Oil

Cannabidiol, popularly known as CBD is used as a natural remedy for several common ailments. It is a chemical compound found in cannabis. It is not psychoactive and is an appealing choice for the people looking for pain relief. CBD …

How to flu-proof your house

This article explains how to combat influenza and keep yourself and your loved ones safe with good hygiene. Influenza, or the flu, is a kind of bacterial illness that normally spreads from human to human interaction. Its infectious nature helps …

A Solution for Hip Injuries

If you are into athletic activities, you might be familiar with some common injuries that happen to people like you. Of course, nobody is perfect, but if you exercise properly, you drastically reduce the potential for injury. At the same …

Possible Reasons for Fungal Nails 

Nails are seen as a vestigial part of our body, but they have their own unique functions. Can you imagine your fingers without nails? It would be weird, to say the least! As good as our nails look, we need …