Heart failure is a disease in which the heart fails to pump well. Visit a doctor to discuss or to have a medical checkup. This is to ensure you are healthy. The New York heart association (NYHA) had divided the heart failure into four stages. This staging is used in many countries. The stages of heart failure are:
NYHA class 1: who do not have any limitation to physical activities.
NYHA class 2: Patients with heart disease who have slight limitations to physical activity
NYHA class 3: Patients (suffering from heart disease) with significant limitations to physical activity. However, those patients are comfortable at rest.
NYHA class 4: Symptoms presence at rest and worsening with physical activities.
Heart diseases are diagnosed only after thorough assessment of signs and symptoms, detailed health screening, and some tests. The investigations that are helpful in diagnosing heart diseases are:
- Electrocardiogram (ECG)
- Blood test
- Chest x-ray
- Echocardiogram
From the eye of modern medicine and science, the heart is an organ in the human body. The heart is a vital organ that can be fine in the chest area. The specific area in the chest is known as the mediastinum. Why is the heart so important? The heart is vital in channelling and maintaining adequate blood flow to the entire body. The heart is comparable to an engine that receives and ejects blood to multiple areas within the body. Blood vessels are the tunnels or tubes that direct the blood flow and complete the action started by the heart. The blood vessels, heart, and blood made up a system known as the cardiovascular system. Blood is a medium in nourishing and maintaining the survival of other body cells. Blood carries nutrients and oxygen to entire body cells and organs. Blood also carries away waste products by the cells such as the carbon dioxide gas for the body to expel it out.
The definition of health is the well-being state of the biopsychosocial components. The ‘bio’ component is referring to human hardware or body organs and parts. The ‘psycho’ component is referring to the software or the human mental state. The social component is referring to the relationship of human beings with the environment, surroundings, and other people which includes personal relationships and financial status. A healthy individual is a person with healthy and functioning biopsychosocial components. The unwell heart is referring to the impaired ‘bio’ component. Most of the diseases of the human body are well studied and most of them already have specific treatment. An unhealthy heart could mean many things. There are many diseases of the heart. The examples are:
- Coronary heart disease
- Congenital heart disease
- Valvular heart disease
- Heart failure
- Arrhythmias
- Pericardial diseases
- Cardiomyopathy
Coronary heart disease is characterized by the clogging of the blood vessels that supply your heart. In coronary heart disease, the heart is not getting enough blood supply and oxygen perfusion. Fat depositions are the common cause of blocked blood vessels. The symptoms of coronary heart diseases are:
- Shortness of breath
- Chest discomfort, chest pain or heaviness at the central area of the chest
- Pain or discomfort of the jaw, back, or arms
- Tingling sensations over the jaw, back, or arms
- Sweating
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Burping
- Rapid heartbeats
- Dizziness
Each disease has its own clinical features. However, some diseases may share the same signs or symptoms. Some of the established or common symptoms of the heart disease are shortness of breath, chest pain, rapid heartbeats, and lethargy. The mentioned symptoms are mainly related to an unwell heart.
Congenital heart disease is the heart disease that affects the newborn. There are a few heart diseases that may affect the newborn such as the Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF). Valvular heart disease is a state of unwell or unfunctioned valves within the heart. Heart failure is a medical condition where the heart is not pumping well or in a failure state. Avoiding the risk factors for heart disease and living a healthy lifestyle will help you to prevent the development of heart disease. Routine and scheduled health plays a significant role in detecting any disease at a very early stage. Early disease detection has a better prognosis and recovery rate.