Pain in the wrist is a common condition and can have various reasons behind it. The wrist is a combination of joints where the bones of the forearm and hand meet. A sudden accident and injury can damage the ligament surrounding the wrist bone resulting in wrist pain [ปวด ข้อ มือ]. Repetitive injuries due to stress and joint inflammation can cause reoccurring pain in the wrist. Interference of pain disrupting the daily activities of life, numbness in the fingers, and inability to hold objects properly can be the signs of paying a visit to a doctor. There are various causes and home treatments for discomfort in the wrist.
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome and Osteoarthritis
Sometimes thickening of ligaments can put excessive pressure on the nerves making them numb, painful, and weak. This condition refers to Carpel Tunnel Syndrome. People associated with tedious jobs involving lifting and typing have more potential chance of having this condition. The chances for this syndrome to develop are more in obese, diabetic, and arthritis patients. The wearing of the cartilage covering the bones can cause osteoarthritis. This condition may cause severe inflammation of a vast range of joints, including the wrist. You may see this difficult condition mostly common for people with a family history of osteoarthritis. Most middle or old-aged people are more prone to this condition.
Treatment at home
You may find relief by taking ample rest and giving time for the injury to heal. Over-the-counter medication and the application of ice may be an effective way to counter the condition. You may wear a wrist splint to prevent irritating wrist movements. The splint may be effective in relieving the excess pressure on the nerves. You may take advice from a doctor or physiotherapist and carry out some exercises at home that may help stretch and lengthen tendons. Certain injections may help to reduce inflammation and pain. The surgery requirement depends on the reason for the pain, and you will only need it when home treatment fails to give the desired result.