The sexually Transmitted disease: Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease which is transmitted by a bacteria called NeisseriaGonorrheathat can infect both – males and females. The body parts most affected by this infection are throat and rectum orurethra. In females, it can also infect the cervix.


Most of the times, there are no visible symptoms of this disease, and by the time symptoms appear, the disease has already infected most of the body parts. The most visible symptoms are seen in the genital tract.

In Women

  • Painful Urination
  • Painful Intercourse
  • Vaginal bleeding in between periods such as after intercourse.
  • Increased vaginal discharge.

In Men

  • Painful Urination.
  • Pain or swelling in one testicle.
  • A pus-like discharge comes out from the tip of the penis.


One has to go through a number of complications if he or she is infected with Gonorrhea.

  • Infertility in both men and women – Untreated Gonorrhea may lead to infertility in both the sex.
  • Joints and other areas are affected –This infection is not restricted toa few body parts but also affect the joints.
  • Complications in Baby- A mother infected with Gonorrhea may give birth to a blind baby, or the baby may have infections or sore scalp.
  • More chances of HIV – Person infected with the gonorrhea disease [หนองใน, which is also the term in Thai] may have high chances to get infected with HIV AIDS, and this disease may get transferred to their partners.


  • Do not have unprotected sex –To prevent STD like gonorrhea diseaseuse condom while having any type of sexual contact (oral, anal or vaginal intercourse)
  • Do not have multiple sex partners –Having multiple sex partners increases the risk of getting this disease.
  • Tests for sexually transmitted diseases – You should know whether your partner has been tested for sexually transmitted disease (STD). If not, ask them if they want to get the test.
  • Annual gonorrhea screening – Annual gonorrhea screening is recommended for everyone who is sexually active.
  • Do not have sex with someone who has unusual symptoms.

Make it a point to fix an appointment with an experienced doctor if you feel troubled with some unusual symptoms or experience a burning sensation while you urinate or if a plus-like discharge occurs from your penis or vagina or rectum.

Seeking medical aid is the best option if your partner has been diagnosed with Gonorrhea even though if you don’t see any signs or symptoms in you.

Kenneth Bennett

Atticus Bennett: Atticus, a sports nutritionist, provides dietary advice for athletes, tips for muscle recovery, and nutrition plans to support peak performance.