Chlamydia is an STD that can have serious implications if left untreated. That’s why it’s so important to learn how to properly test for chlamydia right from home. (The Everlinesswell home chlamydia test can help you test at the comfort of your own home.)
Learning about a possible sexually transmitted infection (STI) such as gonorrhea or Chlamydia is not a pleasant experience for many people. It’s embarrassing, it’s annoying, and it can be uncomfortable. The stigma that is associated with STDs is enough to make many people feel uncomfortable or not worth learning about. When you take the time to learn more about your options, though, you can feel better about yourself and give yourself peace of mind that you are prepared for whatever might come your way.
There are several ways to perform a chlamydia and gonorrhea test. You can go to a doctor’s office and receive treatment. Many doctors will do an ultrasound of your private area and check for open sores or visible symptoms. They will also usually take swabs of your cervix and vaginal tissues for testing.
Going to a healthcare provider is another way to get tested. Many people are afraid of visiting a healthcare provider for a variety of reasons. However, healthcare providers are equipped to detect symptoms of STIs. A simple swab or genital examination is often enough to tell whether or not a person has been exposed. Even if symptoms are not present, going to a healthcare provider is still the safest choice.
You can also get tested at home. You can purchase an online kit for a low fee or you may need to attend a free sexual health clinic in your area to receive an accurate result. Some people may need to abstain from sexual intercourse while they are being treated for Chlamydia or gonorrhea. STD clinics offer the same tests that doctors offer. In some cases, they will have more in-depth exams to determine if you do not have any risk factors for sexually transmitted diseases.
Chlamydia tests are simple to perform. The most common method is to use a swab or urine sample. You can purchase a kit to collect a sample from each of your sexual partners. If you are abstinent, you may not have to abstain from sex. If you are exposed, though, you should abstain until your tests come back clean.