How Can Fractional CO2 Laser Help with Acne Scar Treatment?

Acne is a reality of life for most individuals. It affects more than 90 percent of individuals worldwide at some time in their lives.

If you’re presently suffering from acne or have acne scars from previous acne, you’re not alone! Dealing with acne scars or acne may be frustrating at times. Although acne is a frequent problem, the associated long-lasting scars may have a significant impact on other aspects of your life and your self-esteem.

But here’s something you should know: acne scars could be effectively treated. And the secret to determining the best acne scar treatment is to begin with the correct diagnosis. So, what are the different forms of acne scars? Where could you find out more regarding the many forms of acne scars?

Acne scars are a broad term for the skin damage that occurs as a result of acne. Rolling, boxcar, linear, ice pick, hypertrophic, tethered, atrophic , keloids, and more acne scars subtypes exist.

Acne scars must be classified into distinct subtypes in order to determine the optimal treatment plan and locate the best therapy for each particular acne scar. This method has the most excellent cure rate.

What Exactly Is an Acne Scar?

First and foremost, what’s an acne scar? An acne scar is basically the residual evidence of the healing process of the body.

Acne is caused by a mix of causes. Natural oils and bacteria generated by the body block pores on the skin. Once this occurs, the pore may expand, causing redness or irritation as well as debris collection.

It’s the pimple with which most people are all too acquainted! The body attempts damage control in response to a clogged pore. In an effort to ‘clean up’ from the inflammation created by the pimple, your body would produce a new form of skin fiber known as collagen.

So, what is the issue? Regrettably, the new collagen strands in the body do not appear precisely like the old skin. It’s why we notice acne scars where pimples formerly were.

What Are the Different Acne Scars Types?

Atrophic Acne Scars

The first 3 scar types are referred to as “atrophic” since they’re depressions in the skin rather than risen up from it.

Ice pick Scars

Ice pick scars are often small, deep indentations that appear on the cheeks. They might resemble a scar created with a small ice pick. They are among the most difficult scars to cure (but it is possible!).


Boxcar scars are wider than ice pick scars. They are often a larger indentation in the skin with more defined outlines. They may look like a chicken pox scar.

Wider scars might be more difficult to cure than narrower scars.


Rolling scars are the broadest atrophic scars and might lack definite edges. They will probably have variable depths, curving edges, and a more uneven appearance.

Keloid And Hypertrophic Scars

Hypertrophic scars are raised from your skin rather than indentations in the skin because of an excess of collagen generated during healing. They are less prevalent than the other types and are usually related to body acne.

Keloid scars are bigger than the initial spot, while hypertrophic scars have the same size as the pimples that created them.

Is Fractional CO2 Laser Effective for Acne Scars?

Fractional CO2 laser treatment is a well-known acne scar treatment in Singapore. Only a part of your skin is treated, as the term implies.

Unlike fully-ablative laser therapy, this method results in faster recovery and less side effects.

Due to the regulated skin damage that encourages new collagen creation and acne scar tissue remodeling, fractional laser therapy is ideal for rolling scars and atrophic boxcar scars.

Alternative Acne Scar Procedures


Your skincare specialist will be using specialized instruments to separate these skin layers during a subcision treatment. This improves the skin’s overall texture and tone.


It’s a method of encouraging the body to produce its own collagen. By inflicting little lesions within the scar, the production of new, healthy collagen is initiated.

Chemical Peels

Peels are another common acne scar therapy. These procedures are also excellent for acne care and should be used on a daily basis to keep the acnes at bay. Chemical peels are very powerful, and as its term implies, your skin’s top layer would actually peel off.

Due to the regulated skin damage that encourages new collagen creation and acne scar tissue remodeling, fractional laser therapy is ideal for rolling scars and atrophic boxcar scars.

If you are curious as to how are adult acnes formed and the steps you can take against acne formation, check out this article by Market Smiths.

Kenneth Bennett

Atticus Bennett: Atticus, a sports nutritionist, provides dietary advice for athletes, tips for muscle recovery, and nutrition plans to support peak performance.