Derma related Issues and the Best Remedies

Dermatological diseases are numerous and sometimes difficult to differentiate. How do I know whether to consult an emergency or not? Wolf-Henning Boehncke, head of the department of dermatology and venereology at the Geneva University Hospitals, asks the emergency room to sort the cases according to the following criteria. Patients whose skin is affected on at least a third of its total surface area are considered an emergency.

Making the Limits

From this limit, the skin can no longer function normally. A bit like in the case of major burns, you must rehydrate the patient, give him proteins and check that there is no infection. In the evaluation of the emergency, the “time” criterion also plays a role. More recent lesionsless than a weekare more worrying. As are diseases that present with bubbles or vesicles, or even necrosis or detachment of the skin. Using the UK CBD Oils is essential there.

  • As much severe damage to the skin which results in sores, ulcers or even serious complications such as secondary infections. In the relative emergencies, allowing a wait of a few days, are grouped the cases of average attacks of the skinmore than 10% of its surface is affected -, as well as the cases having appeared in less than a month . Pruritus also falls under these criteria. It is not dangerous in itself, but can be very distressing and prevent the patient from working. The same goes for hives, for the same reasons. All dermatological conditions which do not fall into these two groups can await a usual consultation by appointment.

The extent of the lesions is assessed according to the “rule of 9”. The head or an arm corresponds to 9% of the total surface of the patient’s skin. The torso, back, legs, respectively correspond to twice 9%. The genitals at 1%, as well as the hand, palm and fingers included.


The most common plaque psoriasis develops gradually. These are red plates called erythematous-scaly, or composed of large scales arranged on very well delimited plates. They are most commonly found on the elbows, knees and scalp. In rare cases, psoriasis can spread to the whole skin, this is called erythroderma. This is a reason for emergency consultation.


There are several types of eczema. Allergic eczema occurs on contact with an allergen, such as nickel. The reaction begins at the point of contact, and then spreads. Eczema can also simply result from exposure to irritating substances, such as disinfectant at the doctor or household products. Here too, eczema manifests itself in the exposed area. Atopic eczema is of genetic origin and manifests itself very often from childhood. It can present acute phases and it is sometimes difficult to differentiate from psoriasis. But the preferred sites are rather the hollow of the knee or elbow, while psoriasis touches the external part of these places. In addition, the scales are much smaller in eczema than in psoriasis and they are less clearly delimited.

Kenneth Bennett

Atticus Bennett: Atticus, a sports nutritionist, provides dietary advice for athletes, tips for muscle recovery, and nutrition plans to support peak performance.